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This year we will go shopping together in groups on November 24 to purchase items for the Thanksgiving Baskets and Foster Care gift items. In order for us to have successful shopping trips, we are asking for monetary donations. Our 3 goals for this year's Thanksgiving Outreach are:

  1. To raise $8,000 to be used towards Thanksgiving Baskets and Foster Care gift items.
  2. 60 turkeys to be brought in for the Thanksgiving Baskets.
  3. To collect 350 Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

To give your donations to this project, place a check in the offering plate on Sunday and write in the memo line of your check "Thanksgiving Outreach." Or click the link below to donate online. Select "Thanksgiving Outreach" from the Fund drop down menu:  DONATE ONLINE

Help us plan for the outreach event and for dinner by clicking the link below. We encourage those participating to bring a dessert to share at the dinner.
